Aug 2024

Bridging the gap between PR, sales, and marketing in 90 days

Written by Daisy Pledge

Bridging the gap between PR, sales, and marketing in 90 days

Technology is now just everyday life. We expect to access anything we want at the click of a button and this expectation of immediacy isn’t restricted to consumer activity.

Tech buyers expect high-quality technology at work and at home that is as intuitive and efficient as the consumer technologies they use daily. The way B2B tech buyers behave has fundamentally changed. So too now must the way we market our tech products and services to them. 

Integrated planning delivers maximum impact

Marketing and PR teams must align objectives and collaborate to provide insights into customer behaviour and market trends. Sales teams need to directly feedback from sales interactions with potential clients. Comms professionals have to then shape narratives that support marketing campaigns and sales.

This requires an integrated approach. For example, when launching a new product, a coordinated effort could look like this:

  1. Marketing creates awareness through targeted content accessed by persona-based advertising
  2. PR generates buzz which confirms the advertising claims via media coverage and influencer partnerships
  3. Sales follows up with personalised outreach to demonstrate credibility and convert leads into customers

Say what you mean, mean what you do – and replicate consistently

Consistency in messaging across all channels is critical to building brand trust and credibility. Developing and regularly updating a brand style guide can help ensure all communications, from social media posts to press releases and sales pitches, are aligned. And distributing the message is key.

Vary your feeds

In an era of information overload, where attention spans are shrinking, creating engaging and varied content is essential. Today’s B2B tech buyers demand relevant, timely, and tailored content. This means “snackable” content easily consumed on the go. 

Test and iterate to become as agile as your customers

Sales teams provide real-time feedback on what does and doesn’t resonate with customers. Marketing teams should then use data analytics to uncover trends and preferences which further informs sales tactics, PR and brand awareness strategies. Too often, this data is gathered only to be ignored and kept in siloed teams –  a waste of time, effort and money. Use these insights to refine approaches and improve sales conversion.

One size fits nobody

We’re all online all of the time, which means buyers are making decisions on the move, around the clock. This has led to faster sales cycles but also more frequent changes in decision-making. To keep up, PR, sales, and marketing teams must engage buyers with more frequent, high-impact interactions.  Generic sales waffle simply won’t cut it. Content should be tailored not just to the buyer’s persona but also to their specific stage in the buying lifecycle.

Recognise buyer empowerment 

Another major challenge today is the abundance of vendors in all software categories. When rivals offer free trials and demos, it both de-risks purchasing decisions and also empowers buyers to change their minds frequently. Selling into this environment demands agility and creativity in outreach. Expecting to communicate over months and quarters is likely to lose sales. 

Embrace creativity and speed

Accelerated buying decisions mean marketing teams need to add value earlier in the buying process than ever before. B2B tech vendors need to speed up campaign decision making and become as creative as their B2C counterparts, or risk being out-competed. Choose short, hard-hitting and different messages to deliver the most value early. There has never been a better time to spend honing messaging.

The takeaway

To meet the sophisticated demands of modern tech buyers, sales, marketing and PR teams must work together on strategy and execution, maintaining consistent messaging, leveraging data, and embracing creativity. 

Future B2B tech marketing relies on the seamless collaboration of key functions, ensuring the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

If you’re struggling to bring your PR, sales and marketing teams together, contact us today. We’re always happy to listen to challenges you’re facing and suggest approaches we’ve tried and tested to help align your teams and deliver actual business results.

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