May 2019
Winning is addictive – In2 SABRE award
Written by Paul Maher

In soccer/football, there is always a tension between winning trophies in one hit versus the relentless grind of winning a league, one game at a time. The best teams do both. In Tech PR there is the day-to-day execution of a plan and occasionally, just occasionally, we get to show off and win big in a ‘straight fight’ with our rivals. We have just done that for the second time.
Helping the good guys look cooler than the crooks
Our recognition by the SABRE awards this week as the overall winner in the earned media (digital or print) category is a point of pride for the account team and our client, SonicWall, without whom we could not have hoped to have succeeded. What is particularly pleasing is the sheer volume of results our team produce, 366 articles in a year and the recognition by the top management of a client who took a risk on Positive, when a larger agency let them down.
At a time when some are questioning how PR fits into the modern tech marketing mix, we think we have proven a strong idea – favouring the underdog in the ongoing fight against organised crime and relentless execution are the most powerful reasons to use influence, rather than paid advertising, to persuade buyers.
For those who say PR is not measurable, just look at the real-world statistics which today’s digital instrumentation can deliver for clients, who rightly demand to know how their budget converts to customer experience of their brands.
Winner – Best in Digital/Print Media, Earned
As previously mentioned, this award would be meaningless without the buy-in of the board of our client. Note the kind words from our sponsor, Bill Conner, the CEO of SonicWall. They say that winners find winning addictive and while we will not be dropping our guard, we will take a moment, savour a sip and remember A Players work with A Players. We want more and we would love you to win with us.

Bill Conner, CEO SonicWall
To find out more about how we approach work with our clients to get results like these, click here.